“The word of God is alive and active, sharper than a double edged sword…” Hebrews 4:12

Essential to any mission work is the application of the Word of God to relationships. It is the Word of God that changes people. Changing man’s relationship with God is the distinguishing mark of missionary activity. Missionaries who have been in the field for some time also realize that the real challenge is to find the most effective way in which to share the Word so that the change is genuine and long lasting.
At Capstone Ministries, we have always felt that the most effective way to approach a culture is by using those within the culture to speak to the culture. Several years ago, we recognized that a number of families of reconciled boys lived in close proximity to each other. We also recognized a need for discipleship within the families with whom we were working. It was then that we began to form small group Bible studies. Utilizing the two Lutheran trained pastors on staff. The groups initially were led by the pastors but the intention was to make the groups self-sufficient so that they could read the Word and discuss it on their own. These groups not only study the Word but also share their burdens with each other, counsel one another and, at times, correct one another. A family is often stigmatized in his/her community because their child ran to the street. Other families who have this in common quickly develop a bond and become trusted friends. Capstone currently facilitates 17 small group Bible studies with plans for more additional groups.